
Inspection programs may vary between facilities and industries. There is no debating they are a critical part of keeping the business running. The structure and content of the inspections at the facility often have overlap between departments. This overlap creates duplication of effort and in some cases inconsistency of inspection results.

The Inspection Solution ensures your inspectors have the latest information about previous inspections and updated content to execute the job at hand. The solution can leverage an underlying library of inspection criteria and promote sharing of results to satisfy departmental needs. This is all provided to the inspector electronically through mobile devices allowing for autocompletion, rules, approvals, etc. The Inspection Solution bridges the gap between departments, systems and upstream or downstream processes to improve efficiency and results.


  • Engage the field worker (employees and contractors) by simplifying the collection of the information in one place with mobile devices, eliminating duplicate entry

  • Regularly evolve the inspections to take into account historical information from reliability, maintenance, prior inspections and work being performed at the facility level

  • Connect your inspections to the actual work being performed to ensure the inspector can effectively conduct the process

  • Send quality, reviewed inspection results to corporate systems so you can focus on value to your facility